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One Third of the Holocaust
Other > Other
222.72 MB

belzec sobibor treblinka holoc
+1 / -0 (+1)

Jun 11, 2010

a nearly 4 hr long documentary examining the belzec, treblinka and sobibor concentration camps. 
the film is cut into 30 parts, zipped together.


Excellent documentary proving that at least with these 3 camps that the Holocaust is a complete fabrication.
stu1000 are you serious?
How do you explain so many missing Jewish families throughout Europe?
NEO NAZI LIES AND EVIDENCE AGAINST THE HOLOCAUST: These many videos are a crude (although clever) attempt to deny the holocaust, I can-t cover all these lies in this brief space but here-s one: they say that a German witness said that in a camp 750 people were crowded in a space of 1,590 cubic feet and shows that is impossible, even allowing for many children, but they omit that the confession says (and the movie shows it) FOUR TIMES 1,590 cubic feet, which is perfectly possible... They dwell on a list of supposed inconsistencies to deny a fact that has been proved by millions of elements of evidence that support the fact of the Holocaust, so forcefully that governments like the German and Austrian, which initially let go many war criminals with slaps on the wrist or nothing at all, now condemn to prison those who deliberately deny the Holocaust to support neo-nazi views. WATCH THESE VIDEOS CAREFULLY and you-ll see what a big lie they are.